Building Resilient Teams

– Virtual or face to face
– Typically 12-16 participants per session
– Interactive
– Approx. 1.5 hours

Resilience is often seen as a soft subject, but with recent research from MIND showing that 42% of people polled had considered resigning due to work stress and 30% feeling they could not talk openly with their line manager about feeling stressed, managing staff in a way that promotes resilience has to be of paramount importance. Without resilience individuals struggle and when the going gets tough teams fall apart rather than pull together. As a manager you are in a unique position to make a positive difference. This practical, interactive course is designed to explore how.

Key programme elements

Exploring what resilience is, why it is important and whether you and your team have it.

Skills required:
Examining the skills required to develop, promote and sustain resilience in both individuals and teams, including understanding resilience killers and promoters.

Warning signs to watch for:
Outlining key physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioural warning signs of lack of resilience.

Strategies: the theory and the reality:
Examining the theory of building resilience in individuals and teams: using case studies to explore the reality and potential challenges of good practice.

Creating an actionable plan:
Identifying what you need to continue, stop and start doing, to build resilience in yourself and your team.

Participants will be able to:
• Understand the importance of resilience.
• Explore and reflect on their personal resilience and that of their colleagues.
• Identify the skills required to promote resilience in themselves and others.
• Identify potential personal and work related resilience killers.
• Identify common warning signs of lack of resilience in themselves and others.
• Understand and action strategies to develop, promote, and sustain resilience.
• Discuss the reality of managing for resilience, including exploring the impact of lack of resilience on the whole team.
• Create a realistic and easily actionable plan to build and maintain a resilient team.

This course is also available as a personalised online learning session, and can be supported by a training session and coaching. Contact us to find out more.

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