We have created a series of short, punchy, content rich video recordings covering key areas of resilience.
Each recording is approx. 10 – 15 minutes long and can be supported by follow-up materials and resources. They can either stand alone, or be used to complement and reinforce the resilience courses.
We have included the video for our first session for you to view online now, if you are interested in watching the other 5 short videos, please contact us.
Session 1
Anxiety – the new normal?
This session explores anxiety; what it is, what it looks and feels like, the science behind it, how to spot when anxiety stops being normal and becomes an issue and what you can do about it, including simple strategies to reduce anxiety and promote wellbeing.
Session 2
Cultivating mental resilience.
Mental toughness is something all sportsmen and women cultivate. This session looks at how you can too. Exploring the mind; how and why it winds you up; how you can get it under control, ensuring you rule it and it doesn’t rule you! Using simple cognitive behavioural, neuro-linguistic programming and mindfulness techniques.
Session 3
Developing physical resilience.
We all know the theory, eat well, don’t drink too much, exercise regularly, but when it comes to it most of us don’t do it! Here we briefly look at the body mind connection, examine how and why it is important and explore quick fixes to promote physical resilience and wellbeing.
Session 4
How to rest and relax for resilience.
This session explores the importance of rest, relaxation and sleep and suggests simple techniques to enable you to switch off and support both your mental and physical wellbeing.
Session 5
Personal emotional resilience.
Someone with good emotional resilience accepts the ups and downs of life; enjoys the ups and has the emotional intelligence skills necessary to bounce back quickly from the downs. This session explores why some people cope better with stress than others, what happens to different personalities under pressure and what you can do to build your personal emotional resilience.
Session 6
Resilient relationships.
All the science shows that people with positive relationships and good social networks recover faster from illness, are less likely to suffer with depression and are more able to remain resilient under pressure. This session explores the power of good relationships and how to create, build and sustain them.